Phishing Alert

BBVA no longer markets in Belgium, or from Belgium, loans or savings products to individuals or small businesses, nor does it use direct customer acquisition strategies. More information." 


General payment services information

Below you will find information on the payment services governed by the law of March 11, 2018 relating toI statute and supervision of payment institutions and electronic money institutions, access to the activity of the payment service provider and the activity of issuing electronic money, as well as access to payment systems, and the law of July 19, 2018 which amends and inserts provisions on payment services in several books of the Economic Law Code, which incorporates Directive 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market (called the "PSD2 Directive").

PSD2 is a European directive that regulates payment services in the domestic market. The new regulation involves fundamental changes in the industry including, among others, payment institutions having access to the payment account services of credit institutions in an objective, non-discriminatory and proportioned manner. The aforementioned access must be broad enough to allow the payment institutions to provide payment services efficiently and obstacle-free. This means that banks must allow third-party payment service suppliers (TPPs) to access their infrastructure in order to initiate payments on behalf of customers or provide them an account information service (upon authorization of the account holder). BBVA is one of the first credit institutions to offer a platform and its services through APIs to provide the following services:

  • A payment initiation service, which enables the payment institution to initiate a payment order at the request of the payment service user, with regard to a payment account open with BBVA.
  • An account information service, the aim of which is to provide aggregated information on one or several payment accounts held by the user of the payment service either at BBVA, or at BBVA and other payment service suppliers.
  • Confirmation of funds. BBVA, at the request of a payment service supplier that issues card-based payment instruments, will immediately confirm the availability of funds in the payment account of the payer in order to execute a card-based payment transaction, provided that the latter has given his or her express consent to BBVA.

All cases require the consent of the customers (companies and individuals) and the authentication of them by the bank, and the accounts must be accessible online.

TPPs must comply with the requirements on registration, authorization and monitoring by the stated competent authorities designated by law.

If you are a registered and authorized TPP you can access our APIs, technical specifications, and test environment via this link: You can also resolve any queries or incidents that occur during the technical configuration process via email at

Fourth quarter 2024 table


        BBVA Web

      Service level objective

Online time/day






Average response time (ART) AIS

         3.996 ms

         <3,000 ms


         3.823  ms

           <4,000 ms


  1.612 ms

            <3,000 ms

Error ratio




  • Online time/day expressed as a percentage
  •  Inactivity/day expressed as a percentage
  • ART AIS (average response time in the "Content Aggregator" category), expressed in milliseconds.
  • ART PIS (average response time in the "Payment Initiator" category) expressed in milliseconds.
  • ART PIISP (Average response time in the "Fund Confirmation" category), expressed in milliseconds.
  • Error ratio expressed as a percentage